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Jet Lag, The Unwanted Companion and 6 Tips to Beat It

Updated: 5 days ago

Girl laying face first on a mattress


Ah, the joys of travel! Exploring new places, tasting exotic foods, and immersing yourself in different cultures can be exhilarating.

But there's one travel companion we'd all rather leave behind: jet lag.

The fatigue, mood swings, and general disorientation that come with crossing time zones can put a damper on any trip.

So, how can we outsmart jet lag and make the most of our travels? Let's dive in.

So, what exactly is Jet Lag?

Jet lag is a temporary sleep disorder that occurs when your body's internal clock is out of sync with the time zone you're in.

This can lead to a range of symptoms, from insomnia and irritability to digestive issues and cognitive decline.

Why Does Jet Lag Happen?

Our bodies have an internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm, that regulates sleep-wake cycles, feeding, and hormone production.

When you cross multiple time zones, your circadian rhythm gets thrown off balance, leading to the symptoms of jet lag.

Look at this diagram to understand how jet lag happens and how affects the body

The diagram illustrates the journey of experiencing jet lag. It starts with "Departure Timezone," leading to "Arrival Timezone" via a flight. Upon arrival, there's a "Body Clock Mismatch," which branches into three symptoms: "Fatigue," "Sleep Disturbance," and "Digestive Issues." Each symptom further leads to specific issues like "Reduced Alertness," "Insomnia," and "Indigestion," all converging to "Impaired Performance." Finally, the diagram shows a "Recovery" phase that leads to "Adaptation to New Timezone."

6 Tips to Beat Jet Lag

1. Gradually Adjust Your Schedule Before You Travel

Why It's Helpful: Slowly adjusting your sleep schedule a few days before your trip can help your body adapt to the new time zone more easily.

2. Stay Hydrated

Why It's Helpful: Dehydration can exacerbate the symptoms of jet lag. Make sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your flight.

3. Use Sleep Aids Wisely

Why It's Helpful: Over-the-counter sleep aids or melatonin supplements can help you adjust to a new sleep schedule. However, consult a healthcare provider before using any medication.

🔗 Product Recommendation: Natrol Melatonin Fast Dissolve Tablets

4. Get Plenty of Sunlight

Why It's Helpful: Natural light helps regulate your body's internal clock. Spend time outdoors during the day to help your body adjust.

5. Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine

Why It's Helpful: Both alcohol and caffeine can interfere with your sleep quality and make jet lag worse.

6. Consider Using Sleep Technology

Why It's Helpful: Gadgets like sleep masks or noise-cancelling headphones can improve your sleep quality, helping you adjust to the new time zone faster.

🔗 Product Recommendation: Bose Sleepbuds II


Jet lag is an unwelcome side effect of long-haul travel, but it doesn't have to ruin your trip.

By understanding how jet lag works and taking proactive steps to manage it, you can enjoy your travels to the fullest.

With Great Love, Lea - Club 28 x
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